**Update**Design and Development of Integrated IT Management System Software

Număr PRRECI/14/36
Categorie Management
Data lansării 15 dec 2014 8:00
Data de încheiere 12 ian 2015 15:00

**Update** Based on the bidders’ request, the terms of reference have been updated

Since 2000, IFAD financed five projects for a total loan amount of US$ 71 million. In February 2014 GoM and IFAD have signed Financial Agreement for implementation of Inclusive Rural Economic and Climate Resilience Programme. The mainstay activity of IFAD programs is the funding of credit lines for medium-term investment credit for small rural enterprises through participating commercial banks, providing matching grants for infrastructure projects, and technical assistance to IFAD loan beneficiaries and agriculture producer groups for business development. Since the start of IFAD programs in Moldova, CPIU-IFAD has provided investment loans to over 2700 agriculture enterprises. Over 15 thousands of persons have benefited from technical assistance. The “Snow bowl” of information on program implementation, monitoring and evaluation, impact analyses it is increasing rapidly year by year, due to an increase of numbers of beneficiaries and diversification of program activities. In this circumstances the CPIU-IFAD, with out of an IT solution, face with difficulties in management of the information and operational analyses of the current situation and future prognoses. Due to this the reports, information notes and analyses are provided very slowly, in most cases with big physical efforts of the staff and with delays. The supervision mission and evaluation missions are missing complete information, in time allocated for mission, for detailed evaluation and reporting.

The CPIU-IFAD in 2012-2013, on bases of accounting standard software 1C used in Moldova, has developed and customized system to generate reports in the formats requested by IFAD, classifying the payments and expenditures by category, component and sources of financing. The system also produces Withdrawal Applications (WAs) in the formats requested by IFAD. Currently, the Rural Financial\Investment Capital component is fully integrated into the system, while for the Monitoring and Evaluation, Procurement, TA component and the Market Derived Infrastructure components, still need development and to input the data related to each contract\client\business plan manually. The 1C based software has a single interface for all components which make the operation very difficult, the reports are generated on formats which require additional formatting in Excel, Word, and it is less adapted to changes and restructuring.

Republic of Moldova has adopted a Strategic Program for Governance Technological Modernization sets the basis for a coordinated approach regarding the intelligent investments in IT and increases IT capacities in the public sector. In 2013 more and more authorized public institution asks from CPIU-IFAD periodical information and report on implemented and ongoing programs, information which is further on incorporated in the overall monitoring database and used for public information. Manual processing of information and generating reports takes a lot of time and efforts of the staff.

This generates a strong necessity for design and development of a modern integrated IT management software solution management system. With launching the upcoming Inclusive Rural Economic and Climate Resilience Programme this issue become even more strong, as the program will be financed from three international donor sources, and three local sources which will require detailed evidence, monitoring and management per sources, component, category, beneficiary etc. From this point of view the CPIU-IFAD intends to select and hire a specialized software development company to design and implement the IT document management system.

Specific Tasks (Internal Documents Management)

CPIU-IFAD has 14 employees, 13 of which are involved in document management processes. The purpose of implementation of internal management solution is enhancing document security, improving access to information, reducing the time required for execution of tasks and generating analytic reports, based on the information stoked in the data base. IT Management System it is plan to cover entire CPIU-IFAD activity, structured within several independent components and structural unites. The architecture of the IT Management System shall be modular and extensible, that will ensure a maximum flexibility and adaptation to the business processes of CPIU-IFAD. Implementation of internal IT management solution also aims to allow the authorized personnel to manage the electronic records. Currently there are two main separate business components within the CPIU-IFAD: Front Office and Back Office. The Front Office represent management of the main operational components and sub-structural unites: Rural Finance services, Infrastructure Development, Value chain Development, Climate change resilience, M&E, Procurement, Programme office. The Back Office represents accounting component/department which currently uses standard IT soft 1C. The new IT management system will be designed and developed to ensure a smooth business running in the Front Office, with a synchronized connection to the Back Office.

The IT Management System will provide:

  • Centralized storage of information in the data base and documents
  • Distribution if information per each program, component and activity
  • Registering the primary information
  • Workflows, modelling and control
  • Versioning and tracking
  • Generate statistical, financial and monitoring reports
  • Automation of work processes
  • Setting access to the IT database per category of uses and rights for access
  • Data catching
  • On-line submission of documents/information.

Documents to Be Included when Submitting Offers

Interested Bidders should submit their applications, consisting of Technical Proposal and Financial offer.

1. Technical Proposal should include documents/information to demonstrate bidder qualifications:

  • Motivation explaining why bidder is the most suitable for this kind of work;
  • Company profile;
  • List of similar assignments, contracts, projects implemented in the past three years, indicating name of the beneficiary, year of implementation, value of the contract;
  • Financial statement and balance sheet for the last year
  • CVs of the personnel, which will be working on this task;
  • At least 3 references;
  • Timeframe proposed.

2. Detailed financial proposal

The financial proposal shall be expressed in USD as integral cost for task and disaggregated per each stage service provided. The service cost shall be presentedin US Dollars. Companies that do not meet this condition will be excluded from competition.

For more details see:

Terms of Reference

Condition for Offer’s Submission

To be considered interested companies should submit their proposal (financial offer) in original and a copy in separate sealed envelopes. Offers should to be submitted to the following address: CPIU-IFAD, 162, Stefan cel Mare si Sfant blvd., office 1303, MD-2004 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova no later than January 12, 2015, 15:00. Electronic bidding will be not permitted. Late bids will be rejected. Any request for clarification must be sent in writing by standard electronic communication to office@ifad.md.