A UNOPS/IFAD mission visited Moldova from 12 to 26 June 2008 to supervise the IFAD-financed Rural Business Development Programme (RBDP)

A UNOPS/IFAD mission visited Moldova from 12 to 26 June 2008 to supervise the IFAD-financed Rural Business Development Programme (RBDP), which constitutes the investment Зrogramme which aims to produce sustainable income growth for poor people in rural areas and small towns of Moldova. In Chisinau, the mission met with Mr Ion Perju, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, and key officials of the Ministry of Finance, the Credit Line Directorate, participating bank branches, service providers (design companies, business service providers, leasing companies, etc.), and the Consolidated Project Implementation Unit. Field visits were undertaken to nine rayons (Anenii Noi, Criuleni, Edinet, Glodeni, Singerei, Hincesti, Nisporeni, Straseni, Stefan Voda), where the mission met with local authorities and beneficiaries, visited enterprises financed under the programme, and reviewed selected infrastructure investments.
As per the Mission’s assessment , the overall Programme performance is satisfactory, while the Programme financial performance is excellent. Cumulative loan recovery exceeds 99%, demonstrating the financial viability and sustainability of the investments financed