Conservation Farming Development Expert

Number RFSADP/12/17
Category International expert
Release date 24 aug 2012 9:00
Closing Date 22 sep 2012 17:00

CPIU-IFAD is seeking for an international consultant in conservation farming in semi-arid environments.


An internationally recognised expert or consulting company specialized in conservation farming in semi-arid environments will be recruited to support implementationof this technology. The main emphasis of the assignment would be the establishment in 2012 of 4 demonstration farms as a means of providing farmers access to the technology and training. To accomplish this taskinternational consultant will be supported by a local team ofexperts. International expertwillbe head of this team ofexperts.The main tasks of the group are: Design and directly support the implementation of the demonstrations plots which would demonstrate the following:

·       Trials of Zero-tillage technology, and other soil moisture management techniques;

·       Improved cultivars and the development of an appropriate crop rotation system;

·       Fertility management for optimum rainfed production;

·       Long-term experiments with rotations;

·       Alternative pest control techniques, including the use of IPM, and techniques for plant protection at the farm level;

·       Alternative weed control techniques;

·       Crops and cultivars suitable for livestock fodder and forage;

·       Specific research to assist with livestock production, especially in a crop and livestock production system.


 Terms of Reference


■        Proposal should be submitted at the following address: CPIU-IFAD, office 1303, 162, Stefan cel Mare si Sfint bld, MD-2004 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova or by e-mail to: office@ifad.mdor marina.rusu@ifad.mdno later than 22 september 2012.