On May 17th, 2008 in Leogrand Hotel & Convention Centre has been held the National Seminar organised under the Value/Supply Chain Development and Management Project, financed by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).

On May 17th, 2008 in Leogrand Hotel & Convention Centre has been held the National Seminar organised under the Value/Supply Chain Development and Management Project, financed by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) implemented by the Wageningen International University and Research Centre (the Netherlands ) in collaboration with the CPIU-IFAD on the following topic: „Supply/Value Chain Development in Moldova ”
The scope and objective of the afore-said event was to make aware both beneficiaries, as well as representatives of the partner institutions in the implementation of IFAD Programmes in Moldova on results of the Supply/Value Chain Development and Management Project focused on capacity strengthening on implementation of the value chain approach, that became one of the most important elements in the implementation of the IFAD-financed Programmes in Moldova to facilitate rural business development having an enhanced impact upon rural economy, as well as for the establishment of relations between the overall partners within the value chains: primary producers, processors, distributors and final consumer.
The afore-said Seminar has been attended by the representatives of the Government of the RM, non-governmental organisations, financial institutions participating in the implementation of he IFAD Programmes in Moldova , as well as IFAD Programmes beneficiaries.