Call for proposals – IFAD Grant to implement the programme “Promoting inclusive horticultural value chains in the former Soviet Union countries”

The Near East, North Africa and Europe Division of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), a specialised agency of the United Nations is launching a call for proposals to implement the programme “Promoting inclusive horticultural value chains in the former Soviet Union countries” aimed at testing and generating knowledge on what works to maximize inclusion of smallholder farmers in profitable horticulture value chains among select former Soviet Union countries standing to gain from an improved readiness to access the Russian market for fruits and vegetables.

The programme would ideally last 3 years and is expected to be financed through an IFAD grant of up to USD 1,5 million. Additional co-financing is sought from the partner institution.

To this end, IFAD will select and finance a partner institution willing to contribute to design and implement the programme.

For details please see Call for Proposal

The deadline to submit a proposal is 26 July 2015. We kindly ask you to indicate your formal intention to bid by 13 July.

Kindly note that the selected for financing proposal is subject to a series of internal approvals, which are based on project quality requirements. As a consequences of these reviews, the final design document will reflect the internal reviewers comments/suggestions.