Service provider for support and technical expertise on implementation of Quality Management System QMS (ISO 9001:2015) at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food industry (Republic of Moldova)

Номер 28/16/PRRECI
Категория VCD
Дата выхода 01 июнь 2016 10:00
Дата окончания 27 июнь 2016 10:00

Scope of works

The CPIU-IFAD will contract an organization as service provider to provide support and technical expertise to MAFI, AIPA and CPIU-IFAD in design and implementation of the QMS. The service provider, before establishing a quality management system, will provide assistance to MAFI and its allied organizations (AIPA and CPIU-IFAD) to identify and manage various connected and multi-functional processes, in order to ensure customer satisfaction that is the main target to be achieved. Assist the MAFI, AIPA and CPIU-IFAD to achieve ISO 9001:2015 registration at 30-35 divisions by completion of documentation, training and undertaking an initial complete audit at all divisions.

Eligibility criteria

· National or international service provider for consulting services in implementation of QMS with experience in ISO training / may participate in association with another organization for staff training and staff certification in auditing;
· Service provider with at least 5 years experience in consulting/training services for implementation QMS;
· An outstanding track record of participating, guiding formulation, implementation and internal auditing of a QMS;
· Service provider shall have at least one contract for implementation/training of QMS in each of last three years.
· Service provider shall have at least one contract of similar value, and complexity implemented in the last 3 years.
· Service provider shall have experience in the implementation/consulting on QMS in the ministries and public institutions in the European Union countries, preference will be given to companies with experience in the Republic of Moldova

General requirements for qualification

1. Service provider possess experience in implementing quality management in public institutions an advantage would be the experience of implementation in the institutions of the agricultural sector and the agro-food industry and to know the specifics of the legal framework of the Republic of Moldova and the countries of the European Union in the field of public administration.
2. Service provider’s experts possess knowledge in the analysis and description of processes and documentation in central public administration of the Republic of Moldova.
3. Service provider’s key experts should possess the Romanian language, or ensure translation/interpretation.
4. Service provider expert possess good knowledge of IT infrastructure that are involved in the development of QMS.
5. The service provide shall hold international recognized certificate in QMS.
Evaluation criteria
· Practical Experience of the company in consulting and training on implementation of QMS (40 points).
· Experience in consulting and training in implementation of QMS in institutions of the agricultural sector and the agro-food industry (10 points).
· Staff experience and qualification in the field of implementation of QMS (20 points).
· Experience working in Republic of Moldova with central public administration in consulting and training on implementation of QMS (20 points).
· Meeting the requirements of timeframe of this assignment (10 points).

For more detailed information please see:

Terms of Reference


Interested consulting companies should submit their applications consisting of the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:
1. Technical Proposal will include:
a. The company profile;
b. List of the contracts of consulting services on implementation of QMS for the period of the last 3 years, indicating information on: contractor, year when services were provided, name of the standards implemented, cost of the contract;
c. List of the contracts for certification/registration on QMS for the period of the last 3 years, indicating: name of contractor, year when services were provided, name of the standards implemented, cost of the contract;
d. List of the contracts for consulting and training on QMS for the period of the last 3 years, indicating: name of contractor, year when services were provided, name of the standards implemented, cost of the contract;
e. Key personal requirements and estimated inputs(working days) for each task;
f. CVs of the key personal
g. Time frame with description of the activities on each task;
h. Proposed methodology to perform the implementation of the QMS at the MAFI and its allied structures, detailing the approach intending to employ for the assignment. The methodology should include stepwise deliverables and the timeframe for each deliverable.

2. Financial proposal Detailed Financial proposal shall include costs per each task for consulting and training activities for implementation of the QMS. Costs shall include consulting fee, and other relevant administrative, operational, travel costs, etc.; cost for services must be provided in USD at 0% VAT.


To be considered, interested companies should submit their proposal (technical and financial) one as “Original” and second as “Copy” in separate sealed envelopes. Each envelope will consist of the technical and financial offer sealed in separate envelopes as well (a total of 2 envelopes, each with 2 envelopes inside). Offers to be submitted to the following address: CPIU-IFAD, 162, Stefan cel Mare si Sfint blvd., office 1303, MD-2004 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova no later than 27th June 2016, 10:00. Any request for clarification must be sent in writing by standard electronic communication to

Additional information

CPIU-IFAD is entitled to cancel the tender at any stage of the competition due to the impossibility of financial coverage or due to unconformity of tenders to the requirements set out in the tender documents or other justified reason.