**Extins 24.06.2016** Project Impact Assessment at Completion Rural Financial Services and Agribusiness Development Project (RFSADP)

Номер 27/16/PRRECI
Категория M&E
Дата выхода 24 май 2016 10:00
Дата окончания 24 июнь 2016 10:00

The objective of the assignment is to perform final impact evaluation of the project (implementation period July 2011 – September 2016) by assessing to what extent has the project achieved its intended goal, development objectives and outcomes, through capturing the direct and indirect impact of the project interventions. The assessment will: i) compare socio-economic situation of beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries (control group) at project start and completion, ii) assess the outcomes of implemented technologies and investments. The aim is to understand and quantify the impact of various project components individually and collectively and to provide an economic and financial analysis of the project.
Available baseline data will be provided by the CPIU. When baseline data is not available, these should be gathered from the secondary data sources such as censuses, Living Standards Measurement Surveys (LSMS), etc. or by using the ‘recall’ method (coinciding with the project start time) for both beneficiaries and the control group. Information on outputs of the project as will be provided.


  • Minimum 6 – years’ experience in the implementation of quantitative and qualitative household surveys and impact assessments;
  • At least one member of the staff with agricultural experience;
  • Expertise in statistical analyses (familiarity with data processing and data analysis software such as SPSS);
  • Experience in report writing;
  • Be aware of the context of assignment, namely the low institutional capacity of agricultural producers and availability of financial data

The exact timeframe for this assignment will be negotiated in line with the proposal submitted by the interested party. The methodology proposed for this assignment will influence, to some extent the duration of the assignment. It is envisaged that the study could be completed no later than 11th of August 2016.

Interested consulting companies should submit their applications consisting of the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:
1. Technical Proposal will include:
a. Registration certificate;
b. The profile of the company, including total years of experience in consultancy and impact assessments;
c. Company relevant experience for the assignment, including brief information on all the quantitative and qualitative studies and impact assessments undertaken;
d. Staffing (CV of each team member), including mentions of general qualifications, studies and experience adequate for the assignment;
e. Copy of study/training documents confirming experience of proposed personnel in statistics and agriculture;
f. Proposed methodology to perform the impact assessment;
g. The work plan (activities) and resources used;
h. Duration of the assignment(including number of person-day);

To be considered, interested companies should submit their proposal (technical and financial) in original and a copy in separate sealed envelopes. Each envelope will consist of the technical and financial offer sealed in separate envelopes as well (a total of 2 envelopes, each with 2 envelopes inside). All envelopes (4+1) should be marked with the type of offer it contains, name of the bidder, person, telephone number, e-mail address and the name of the bid he is applying for. Offers to be submitted to the following address: CPIU-IFAD, 162, Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt blvd., office 1303, MD-2004 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova no later than 15 June 2016, 10:00 24.06.2016, 10:00. Any request for clarification must be sent in writing by standard electronic communication to office@ifad.md.

Additional information
Terms of reference

CPIU-IFAD is entitled to cancel the tender at any stage of the competition due to the impossibility of financial coverage or due to unconformity of tenders to the requirements set out in the tender documents or other justified reason.