Selection of Gender, Targeting and Social Inclusion Consultant under Talent Retention for Rural Transformation Project

Номер 38/23 TRTP
Категория Admin
Дата выхода 25 июль 2023 10:00
Дата окончания 09 авг 2023 17:00

The Government of Republic of Moldova has received financing from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) towards the cost of Talent Retention for Rural Transformation Project (TRTP) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for the recruitment of consulting services provided by an individual consultant as part of the post of Gender, Targeting and Social Inclusion Consultant.

The use of any IFAD financing shall be subject to IFAD’s approval, pursuant to the terms and conditions of the financing agreement, as well as IFAD’s rules, policies and procedures. IFAD and its officials, agents and employees shall be held harmless from and against all suits, proceedings, claims, demands, losses and liability of any kind or nature brought by any party in connection with TRTP.

The consulting services (“the services”) assignment is to contract an individual specialist to provide support to the execution of transparent and efficient procurement services and processes consistent with IFAD procurement rules and regulations.

The expected start of the assignment is September 2023. The end of the contract is September 2024 with possibility of extension.

The detailed Terms of Reference (ToRs) of the assignment are provided in Annex to this REOI.

The attention of interested consultants is drawn to IFAD’s Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Policy[1] and the Revised IFAD Policy on Preventing Fraud and Corruption its Activities and Operations[2]. The latter sets forth IFAD’s provisions on prohibited practices. IFAD further strives to ensure a safe working environment free of harassment, including sexual harassment, and free of sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) in its activities and operations as detailed in its IFAD Policy to Preventing and Responding to Sexual Harassment, Sexual Exploitation and Abuse.[3]

Interested consultants shall not have any actual, potential or reasonably perceived conflict of interest. Consultants with an actual, potential or reasonably perceived conflict of interest shall be disqualified unless otherwise explicitly approved by the Fund. Consultants are considered to have a conflict of interest if they a) have a relationship that provides them with undue or undisclosed information about or influence over the selection process and the execution of the contract, or b) have a business or family relationship with a member of the client’s board of directors or its personnel, the Fund or its personnel, or any other individual that was, has been or might reasonably be directly or indirectly involved in any part of (i) the preparation of the REOI, (ii) the selection process for this procurement, or (iii) execution of the contract. Consultants have an ongoing obligation to disclose any situation of actual, potential or reasonably perceived conflict of interest during preparation of the EOI, the selection process or the contract execution. Failure to properly disclose any of said situations may lead to appropriate actions, including the disqualification of the consultant, the termination of the contract and any other as appropriate under the IFAD Policy on Preventing Fraud and Corruption in its Projects and Operations.

The Consolidated IFAD Programme Implementation Unit (CPIU IFAD) now invites eligible Individual consultants (“consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the services.

Interested consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the services in the form of a curriculum vitae (CV), a Cover Letter and 2-3 professional references from the previous employers/ supervisors.

A consultant will be selected in accordance with the individual consultant selection (ICS) method set out in IFAD’ Project Procurement Handbook that can be accessed via the IFAD website at Interviews will be conducted as part of the selection process.

The shortlisting criteria are:

Criterion Weight
1. General qualifications: [15]
A master’s degree in social sciences, development studies, human rights, gender studies, or relevant discipline rural development or other related disciplines 10
Participation in specialized national or international training courses related to gender, targeting and social inclusion is an advantage 5
2. Specific previous experience in the field for vacant position: [30]
-At least 2 years of professional experience in gender, women empowerment and social inclusion substantive area (11 points)

– At least 3 years’ experience in gender, women empowerment and social inclusion issues (12 points)

-At least 4 years’ experience in gender, women empowerment and social inclusion issues (13 points)

– At least 5 years’ experience in gender, women empowerment and social inclusion issues (14 points)

-More than 6 years’ experience in gender, women empowerment and social inclusion issues (15 points)

Experience in similar assignments: projects integrating targeting and gender considerations across components/activities and M&E; 5
Experience in agricultural and rural or other related development projects; 5
Experience in designing and delivering training modules. 5
3. Competencies (through Interview for candidates that score at least 30 points on the above criteria 1 to 2): [55]
Language skills: Fluency Romanian and good command of written and spoken English; good command of spoken Russian 10
Excellent communication (especially written communications; group facilitation skills), networking and coordination skills with various stakeholders 10
Highly motivated and committed to poverty alleviation and gender equality; 10
Competency technical test 15
Computer management skills especially office productivity tools 10

The passing score for shortlisting is 70 points. Any request for clarification on this REOI should be sent via e-mail to the address below not later than August 07, 2023. The client will provide responses to all clarification requests by 08 August, 2023, 17:00 Moldova Time.

Expressions of interest in the form of curriculum vitae (CV) with a cover letter, the 2-3 references letters, from the last employers/supervisors, must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, by mail, or by e-mail) by 09 August, 2023, 17:00 Moldova Time.

Attn: Alexandru Scurtu, Procurement Specialist CPIU IFAD

Ștefan cel Mare și Sfînt bd. 162,  Chișinău, MD-2004, of. 1307


Tel. (022) 22 – 18 – 80

[1] The policy is accessible at

[2] The policy is accessible at

[3] The policy is accessible at