The Consolidated IFAD Program Implementation Unit (CPIU-IFAD) is seeking proposals for Elaboration of Pre-investment feasibility studies for pre-qualified infrastructure projects received by CPIU from groups of agriculture producers for financing and construction in 2013.
The dead line for submission of Bids is November 9th 2012, by 10.00 a.m. The bids opening and evaluation will take place (at the CPIU-IFAD address mentioned above).
Service providers will be selected in compliance with the Quality and Cost-based Selection procedures, described in the ToR.
The CPIU-IFAD invites you to a consultative-information meeting on aspects and details about the infrastructure projects that will be financed under the on-going IFAD programs and requirements for Elaboration of Pre-investment feasibility studies. During the meeting you will have the opportunity to ask questions/precisions/suggestions or other relevant details. Meeting will be held on October 25th 2012, at 3:p.m at the CPIU-IFAD premises, office 1304.
More details on the required services are specified in the Terms of Reference.