IFAD Moldova is seeking for international technical assistance for organizing an international study tour.
Theme: Microfinance: products and services, performance management.
Location: Ireland
Timing: December 3-8, 2012
Length of the assignment: 7 working days
Number of participants: 12 people
The Consultant/consulting company will assist UCIP-IFAD in the organization of a Study Tour for a group of 12 persons, which will include representatives of Microfinance Institutions and Savings and Credit Associations, Apex organization, SCA Credit Guarantee Fund Implementation Organization(ODIMM).
The main visits and topics to be discussed are the following:
• Visits to microfinance institutions acting in rural and agriculture business (rural bank, cooperative bank);
• Visits to Insurance Companies, Guarantee Funds Implementation Organizations;
• Visits to credit and savings association/cooperatives, credit union;
• Visits to credit and savings association/cooperatives members;
• Visits to apex institution.
The Consultant/consulting company will provide the following services:
§ Setting up the visits to Microfinance Institutions, Insurance Companies/ Guarantee Funds, SCAs, credit union, SCAs members/borrowers and training program for the group (seminar, presentation on microfinance).
§ Providing logistics during the Study Tour (booking hotels, organizing local transportation services, interpretation, communications, etc).
Proposal should be submitted at the following address:
CPIU-IFAD, office 1303,
162, Stefan cel Mare si Sfint bld,
MD-2004 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
or by e-mail to: office@ifad.md or marina.ianev@ifad.md no later than November 05th 2012, 3:00 P.M.
For more details please look for ToR.
Any request for clarification must be sent in writing by standard electronic communication to office@ifad.md.