CPIU-IFAD is seeking for International Consultant: Training seminars on Greenhouse Constructions and Modern Technologies of vegetables growing indoor.
Location: Republic of Moldova
Timing: 18 -23 March, 2013
Scope of Work
Main scope of the assignment: Training of about 100 greenhouse vegetables growers on design of modern greenhouses constructions suitable for production of vegetables out of season in Moldova and of high tech technologies implementation for efficient production vegetables in cold season to substitute import of vegetables. Expert will develop and make training presentation at 4 regional training seminars and will provide consultation to IFAD clients. Logistics and invitation of participants to the seminars will be organized by local service provider.
The Consultant/consulting company will provide the following services:
§ Develop training material and presentations;
§ Deliver four one‐day training seminars;
§ Make one presentation at the Department of vegetable production at the State Agrarian
University of Moldova for teaching staff and students;
§ Provide technical and technological advise to IFAD clients grower of greenhouse vegetable;
§ Make a report on services provided, conclusions and recommendation on development of greenhouse sector in Moldova.
For more dtails look for Terms of References.
Proposal should be submitted by e-mail to: office@ifad.md or marina.ianev@ifad.md no later than February 7th 2013, 5:00 P.M.