Talent Retention and Rural Transformation Project (TRTP) was launched in January 2021 and is expected to be completed by March 2027.
Project Goal. The goal of the project is to stimulate broad-based rural economic growth and reduce poverty through complementary investments.
The total cost of the project is $ 50.5 million, including $ 27.6 million from external sources:
$ 20.8 million IFAD sources
$ 5.5 million grant from the Adaptation Fund
Project Objective. The objective of the project is to enable the rural poor, especially youth, women, and smallholders, to increase their productive capacity, resilience to economic, environmental, and climate-related risks, and access to markets.
Project components:
Component 1: Resilient Economic Transformation
Subcomponent 1.1. Financing Climate Resilience
Activity 1.1.1 Climate Resilient infrastructure – The subcomponent is designed to support investments in productive rural infrastructure enhancing resilient rural economic transformation by removing infrastructure bottlenecks and consolidation of competitive smallholder farmers (withholdings of up to 10 ha) and village-based agribusiness and fostering the adoption of climate-smart technologies. The types of infrastructure that will be eligible under this subcomponent will include public infrastructures such as economic/productive irrigation infrastructure and village feeder roads (connecting the village with production areas and farms) including small bridges and ancillary structures.
Activity 1.1.2 On-farm Climate Adaptive Water Management – The Adaptation Fund is supporting with USD 2,500 grants on-farm water-efficient irrigation technology and will be used to build smallholder farmer’s resilience to climate change by fostering the adoption of climate-smart, water-saving technologies and building smallholder awareness and capacity in climate adaptive agricultural practices.
Sub-Component 1.2 Agribusiness Development
Activity 1.2.1 Strengthening Value Chains for Producer Groups – will focus on enhancing the potential for agro-processing and agribusiness in rural areas aimed at individual farmers willing to undertake agro-processing and agribusiness development through producer groups, farmer associations, or cooperatives.
Activity 1.2.2 Strengthening MAFI Technical Capacity
Component 2: Inclusive entrepreneurship finance
Sub-component 2.1. Affordable credit for youth and women
Activity 2.1.1. Matching grants for youth and women
Activity 2.1.2. Micro-entrepreneurs lending through SCAs.
Sub-component 2.2. Rural finance sector development
Activity 2.2.1. SCA sector strengthening
Activity 2.2.2. SCA capacity building
Activity 2.2.3. NCFM capacity building
Activity 2.2.4. MSE mentoring.
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