Call for expressions of interest: Individual consultant to review and update Project Implementation Manual (PIM) for Talent Retention for Rural Transformation (TRTP) Project

IFAD Executive Board has approved for financing a loan to the Republic of Moldova in the amount of EUR 18.94 million, and a grant of USD 5.54 million from Adaptation Fund for implementation of the Talent Retention for Rural Transformation (TRTP) Project.

The design Mission has develop the project proposal (PDR), which includes draft of the Project Implementation Manual (PIM). The PIM specify the implementation procedures and conditions for the above sub-components. Before the start-up of the project, it requires a revision of the PIM and consultation with produces associations, farmer’s organizations, MARDE, partners. PIM needs to be updated based on results of consultation.

The CPIU IFAD intends to recruit a national consultant, with a background in project design, with experience on implementation of international funded projects in agriculture, project management, project impact assessment, project completion assessment, PIMs development.

Detailed Terms of Reference including the main duties and responsibilities as well as required skills and experience of the Consultant can be downloaded from HERE

 The CPIU IFAD invites eligible Individual Consultants to indicate their interest in providing the consulting services.

Interested candidates should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services. The key criteria for shortlisting evaluation are the following:

  1. General qualification – 30 points:
  2. Specific experience in the field for vacant position – 50 points:
  3. Language skills -10 points:
  4. Computer management skills, soft applications – 10 points

Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Selection-based on consultants’ qualifications (CQS) method. Assessment of the candidates will be conducted against evaluation criteria, based on information provided in the application documents. Only shortlisted candidates will be invited to submit Technical and Financial offers.

Interested candidates are invited to deliver a detailed Curriculum vitae in English, Letter for Expressions of Interest (free form) and Self-declaration of liability, as per form it can be downloaded HERE, to:,  before 21 Jan. 2021 at 17:00  p.m.

 Consolidated Programme Implementation Unit (CPIU IFAD)

Attn: Procurement office, of.  1303,  bd. Stefan cel Mare și Sfînt, 162,

Chisinau,  MD-2004,  Republic  of  Moldova