Term of Reference
Procurement of audit services: audit of IFAD Programmes in Moldova for 2013 year
The Consolidated IFAD Programmes Implementation Unit (CPIU-IFAD), a body set up by the Government of Moldova in order to implement the programmes funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), is requesting proposals from specialized companies to perform audit of its financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2013 related to the following implemented programmes:
· Rural Financial Services and Marketing Programme (Financing Agreement no.758)
· Rural Financial Services and Agribusiness Development (Loan agreement no.832)
Scope of assignment:
To enable the auditor to express a professional opinion of CPIU financial position of the implemented programmes at the end of 2013 fiscal year and of the funds received and expenditures incurred for the accounting period ending at 31 December 2013, as reported in the Programme Financial Statement, including an opinion on the statement of expenditures and special account.
The audit will be carried out in accordance with International Standards of Auditing and will include such tests and reviews, as auditor considers necessary under the circumstances. Special attention will be paid to establishing that:
- All external funds have been used in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the financing agreements, with due attention to economy and efficiency, and solely for the purposes for which the financing was provided.
- The provided counterpart funds have been used in accordance with national or organizational financial regulations, with due attention to economy and efficiency, and solely for the purposes for which they were provided;
- Goods, consultancy and other services, and civil works financed out of project funds have been procured in accordance with stipulations in the financing agreement and/or government regulations;
- All necessary supporting documents, records and accounts have been kept in respect of all project ventures, including expenditures reported via SOEs or SAs;
- The SA has been used in accordance with the provisions of the financing agreement;
Deliverables and timeframe
The auditor would be expected to provide for each of CPIU-IFAD implemented programmes:
- the audit report on the financial statements;
- an opinion based on the scope and detail of the audit of the financial statements, including Statement of Expenditures and Special Account, and follow up audit recommendations from previous years;
- a management letter describing any deficiencies identified in the project accounting, procedures, systems, and make appropriate recommendations for improvement.
The period of assignment:
January – December 2013.
Deadline for audit report delivery:
31 May 2014.
For more details see:
Proposals should be submitted until 10:00on September 25th, 2013to the following address: 162, Ştefan cel Mare avenue, of.1301, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, MD-2004. The public opening will take place at the same address starting with 10:15 on September 25th, 2013.
Any details or questions pertaining to this request should be directed to Ms.Svetlana Brumarel, Finance Manager at +373 22 21 02 24.