National consultant in supervision and monitoring for technical design of the Agro-Food Centre „Centrul Agroalimentar Chişinău”

Număr PSFRABD/12/05
Categorie Request for Proposal
Data lansării 13 iun 2012 0:00
Data de încheiere 25 iun 2012 17:00

CPIU-IFAD is seeking a national consultant to support the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry in supervision and monitoring for technical design of the Agro-Food Centre „Centrul Agroalimentar Chişinău”.

The scope of the work of the National Consultant is to provide assistance in obtaining the initial required documentation for start-up of the technical design for the wholesale market located closely to Chisinau. The expert will work with external services involved in the process of elaboration and design of the technical documentation for the wholesale market in Chisinau.

In order to achieve the stated objectives, the National Consultant will have the following responsibilities:
1. Signing of the contract referring the providing of projecting services and development of both technical and executive projects for the construction of “Agro-Food Centre in Chisinau”.
2.Solving problems related to:
    – Land borders;
    – Selection of land for storage of extracted soil;
    – Engineering work and permits, technical conditions etc.;
    – Verification and approval of project documentation.
3. Preparation and receipt of building authorization.
4. Elaboration of monthly progress reports and final report;
5. Perform any other related activities which may emerge during the course of time.

For details see:

 Terms of Reference

 The package of documents, in original and one copy, shall be submitted to the UCIP-IFAD: bd. Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfînt, 162, et.13, of. 1305, no later than 25 June 2012, 5:00 p.m.

 Any request for clarification must be sent in writing by standard electronic communication to