Call for Expressions of Interest for Procurement Consultant position

Country: Republic of Moldova

Terms for employment: fixed-term employment contract

Project: IRECR (IFAD VI)

Ref. no. 16/19 PRRECI

AWPB&PP 2019: C 1.15/

The Consolidated IFAD Programme Implementation Unit (CPIU-IFAD) was created in the year 2000 by the Government of Moldova to implement the rural and agricultural development programmes funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development, based in Rome, Italy. The CPIU-IFAD it is implementing two ongoing projects IRECR and RRP. The CPIU-IFAD, for implementation of projects activities conduct procurements for civil works, goods, consulting and non-consulting services, accordance with the IFAD Procurement Guidelines.

The Consultant will work under the direct supervision of CPIU-IFAD Procurement Specialist and will be responsible for the support of all procurement related tasks as required by the procurement specialist, under his/her close monitoring, in compliance with the requirements and regulations of IFAD Procurement Handbook and Guidelines and Procurement Implementation Manual.

The CPIU-IFAD will recruit a full time national procurement consultant, whit aUniversity degreein procurement / economics / finance / law / business administration / public administration.

Detailed Terms of Reference including the main duties, responsibilities, required skills, the experience of the Consultant and the form for the Letter of Expression of Interest, can be downloaded:

Terms of reference

Letter for Expressions of Interest

The CPIU-IFAD invites eligible Individual Consultants to indicate their interest in providing the Services.

Minimum eligibility criteria:

1.       MSc degree in whit aUniversity degree in procurement/economics/finance/law/ business administration / public administration or other specializations related to the field of assignment;

2.       Minimum 3 years of professional experience in procurement;

3.       Min 1 years of work experience in procurement based on internationally Procurement Guidelines(WB, IFAD, UNDP, EIB, etc).

Interested candidates should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services. The key criteria for shortlisting evaluation are the following:

1. General qualification – 30 points:

2. Specific experience in the field for vacant position – 50 points:

3. Language skills -10 points:

4. Computer management skills, soft applications – 10 points

The consultant will be selected in accordance with the Selection-based on consultants’ qualifications (CQS) method. Assessment of the candidates will be conducted against evaluation criteria, based on information provided in the application documents. Only shortlisted candidates will be invited to submit Technical and Financial offers.

The finalist will be offered a fixed-term employment contract based on 40-hour weekly work programme and concluded in line with national labor legislation.

Interested candidates must deliver a detailed Curriculum vitae in English, Letter for Expression of Interest and at least three (3) professional reference to: before 15 March 2019 at 17:00 P.M.

Consolidated Programme Implementation Unit (CPIU-IFAD)

Attn: Nadejda Russu, Procurement specialist, of.  1303,  bd. Stefan cel Mare și Sfînt, 162,

Chisinau,  MD-2004,  Republic  of  Moldova