CPIU-IFAD is seeking for International Consultanton vegetable production (Open field cucumbers and sweet peppers)
Tasks of the assignment
The International consultant will undertake the following tasks:
Practical assistancetomembersof the producer groupinvegetable productionbased on modern technologies.
- Inspection ofproductionbatcheswith a regularityoncein 15 days, providingrecommendations foreach farmers
- Elaboration of thetechnological mapsfor administration ofchemical products
- Deliver one-day training sessions on modern open field cucumbers, tomatoes and sweet paper.
- Suggest follow up activities/recommendations within the CPIU-IFAD on strengthening the vegetable production sector and implementation of new innovative technologies.
- Make one presentation at the Department of vegetable production at the State Agrarian University of Moldova for teaching staff and students of Modern Technology of Cucumber and Pepper Production Technology for Processing;
- Develop a practical guide on production of open field cucumbers;
- Give an expert review on current situation in vegetable production in Moldova and Make recommendation to the local Government authorities, research institutes, education organizations and other institutions dealing with vegetable production sector;
- Develop the activity report on consultancy undertaken, including attained outputs, conclusions and next stage recommendations;
Requirements for Experience and Qualifications
Academic Qualifications:
- University Degree in Horticulture or related fields (PhD is an advantage);
- At least 10 years experience in horticultural sector, preferably in R&D or crop advisor role;
- Previous experience of growing or advising on cucumber and sweet pepper production for processing;
- Previous experience of growing or advising on vegetable seedling production;
- Experience of working with expert groups and farmers;
- Good knowledge of vegetable growing technologies and existing suppliers of technologies, crop protection means, etc.;
- Good command of spoken and written English;
- Computer proficiency, including knowledge of office productivity suites.
For More Details access:
Location and other aspects
■ Payments will be disbursed in instalments upon submission and approval of deliverables and certification by CPIU-IFAD coordinator, that the services have been satisfactorily performed.
■ Proposal should be submitted at the following address:
CPIU-IFAD, office 1303,
162, Stefan cel Mare si Sfint bld,
MD-2004 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
or by e-mail to: office@ifad.mdor marina.ianev@ifad.mdno later than May 28th, 2013 till 10:00 a.m.
Any request for clarification must be sent in writing by standard electronic communication to office@ifad.md.