**Extended 09.12.2015**Selection of the service provider to create an electronic information system with a database aimed for storage, consolidation, analysis and monitoring of financial data of the microfinance sector

Number RFSADP/15/37
Category RFS
Release date 27 oct 2015 10:00
Closing Date 09 dec 2015 10:00

In order to stimulate the growth of strategic and business agricultural activities in the rural sector of Moldova, the Government of the Republic of Moldova has signed with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) an Agreement on the financing of the Rural Financial Services and Agribusiness Development Project Project on (IFAD V).

The component of Rural Financial Services of the Project provides funding to Savings and Credit Associations (SCA), through microfinancing organizations (MFO), for crediting their members to develop rural, on and off agricultural businesses. The importance of SCAs and microfinance organizations is recognized to ensure access of low income persons to financial sources, as well as through financial support for small and middle-sized businesses aimed to implement development and initiating ideas for different businesses in the rural area.

According to the established provisions, SCA and MFO – that play the role of intermediary of financial resources of the Project to SCA – are under the assessment and monitoring of CPIU-IFAD, under established eligibility criteria which include a series of financial indicators. In order to monitor the eligibility of SCAs by CPIU-IFAD, it was agreed that NCFM will provide on a quarterly basis the information on the financial activities of SCAs. The National Commission of Financial Market (NCFM), as regulatory and supervisory authority of the non-banking financial market of the Republic of Moldova, monitors and supervises their activity, including through off-site analysis of financial and specialized reports.

The database Financial Expert System (FES) used for the introduction, consolidation, analysis and storage of the mentioned reports has been elaborated in 2003 and allows both the system analysis and aggregation of provided financial data and extracting of certain indicators and ratios. It should be mentioned the request submitted by the IMF under the Memorandum of understanding on preserving financial stability according to which, the NCFM assures the collection, generalization and provision of financial soundness indicators. These indicators represent an important tool in the process of financial stability assessment and elaboration of measures aimed to diminish system risks. As a result, the representatives of the IMF have elaborated the forms of standard reports which are provided on a quarterly basis and comprise the data on the activity of SCAs and MFOs, and which are currently not consolidated automatically by the NCFM.

Therefore, under the continuous relevant legislative changes, including the SNC 63, as well as together with the various rising requests for analysis of prudential, non-prudential and statistical indicators, the need for improvement of the existing NCFM database, or, eventually, the creation of a new database according to the existing one by obtaining data in order to assure the evolution analysis of sector indicators and progress in the field – is required.
IFAD supports the efforts of NCFM, and therefore, shall provide financial support for improvement of the existing database by contracting an expert, who shall be selected under the procurement procedures of IFAD.

The main objective is:
a) to assess the database system of NCFM and accounting and management information systems of SCAs and MFOs, and
b) to create a database system for the storage, consolidation, analysis and monitoring of financial data of the microfinancing sector (SCAs and MFOs).
The input and output reports which are stored in the database system shall comply at least with the reports provided in the Annexes by applying the electronic signature.

This software program will enable the subjects presenting the reports (SCAs and MFOs) to upload the reports online, being based on web technology, data import from the provided reports and drafted in Microsoft Excel format directly in the reporting forms. The database shall be configured in such a way that each violation of norms will be identified to allow for immediate corrective actions (`alarm bell` corrective functions).


For the realization of objective, the provider shall perform the following tasks:
1. to assess the capacity of the database of NCFM – FES;
2. to assess the accounting and management information systems of SCAs and MFOs;
3. to create a database which will enable the storage, consolidation, analysis and monitoring of financial data of the microfinance sector (SCAs and MFOs);
4. to assure the compatibility and full migration of the existing database of NCFM and all SCAs and MFOs to the new database;
5. to revise and update the processes and forms of consolidation and aggregation of reports in the microfinance sector;
6. to optimize the database through assigning of simplified possibility for changes, updates and adjustments to different needs of the NCFM and/or other operators;
7. to perform a presentation and in-depth trainings for the administrator of database system (NCFM) regarding the management and use of the database (including as programmer);
8. to perform a presentation and trainings of users of database;
9. to test the database application among a selected number of SCAs and MFOs prior the submission to NCFM;
10. to provide services of maintaining and changing, if necessary, of the database during 12 months, from the date of signing the acknowledgment of fully operational functionality of the database in accordance with the specifications;
11. to adjust the database format in accordance with the new accounting standards for the microfinance sector once approved, provided that these enter into force within 12 months upon the date of signing the above mentioned acknowledgment;
12. to elaborate the following materials:
12.1. guide on technical requirements of the database;
12.2. guide on the use of database;
12.3. guide on the administration of database system, which shall include the access keys on the installation, modification, addition of any data and functions to the database management.

The period established for the implementation of the task shall be specified by the company in the technical offer and shall include the time frame of implementation (working days) separately for each task described in paragraph III above (plan of tasks implementation).

1. Certification in the field of information technologies (the document shall be attached);
2. Staff with working experience of minimum three years in development, optimization and implementation of information systems (diploma; training certificates in the field of IT);
3. Staff with working experience of minimum three years related to IT in the microfinance sector;
4. The bidder must have a legal office/service center situated in Chisinau, with a country-wide service and maintenance cover;
5. The bidder must have at least one contract executed in the last three years of similar nature, complexity and value with the contract that shall be drafted under the present reference term.

For more detailed information please see:

Terms of Reference

Annex 1b

Annex 2

· The set of documents shall include the Technical offer (original and copy) and Financial offer (original and copy), each of them being sealed in separate envelopes (4 envelopes) and all of them in a common envelope, as well sealed. The envelope shall have the name of the bidder, contact person and phone number, email, name of competition.
· The set of documents shall be submitted at the office of CPIU-IFAD: 162 Stefan cel Mare si Sfint Boulevard, office 1303, not later than November 20, 2015, 10:00 November 30, 2015, 10:00 December 9, 2015, 10:00
· Electronic bidding will be not permitted. Late bids will be rejected.
· CPIU-IFAD has the right to cancel the tender at any stage of competition because of the impossibility of financial coverage or for reasons of non-compliance of offers with the requirements established in the tender documents or any other grounded reasons.
· Any request for clarification must be sent in writing by standard electronic communication to office@ifad.md.